Sunday, December 17, 2006

The indignity of it all

"First of all, " she said, "You lock me in a strange bedroom... Okay, so there was food, water, clean litter trays and a comfortable bed, but that's not the point...

"Then you let a monkey kitten* into the bedroom I usually occupy and let it stay there all night.

"Then you expect me to wait for my breakfast?

"It just isn't good enough, you know..?"

*All adult cats think of humans as monkeys, unless they want something from them, in which case they sometimes think of themselves as kittens and the human as a temporary, honorary Mammy cat. A monkey kitten is a human baby.


Pixelesque said...

Bless you WillieW - I am a latecomer to your blog (as evidenced by the fact that I am commenting upon a VERY AWLD AWN. Much guffawing ensued from this post.

Willie_W said...

I'm quite late myself! Thanks for the kind words.